EGG and the Citadel of Eight. Location: Pittsburgh, Pa. There are two versions. One was a group of Gary's PCs for his home campaign. There was a second version devised strictly for the published campaign. The Citadel of Eight was the fortress where the circle lived. As far as I know the published version was never fleshed out. Here is some info on Gary's Co8 that I put together with help from EGG: The Circle of Eight is well known among Greyhawk fans. Many incarnations of the circle have appeared over the years. For those interested in the original version of the circle, as played by the man who created it and its members, here it is. Some of this information was originally presented in The Rogues Gallery and Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure. The Circle of Eight The characters that make up The Circle of Eight are all PCs of Gary Gygax. Some were made from scratch as PC’s, some were created to serve as recruited henchmen, and a few were encountered NPCs that ended up as permanent additions to the circle. The members of the circle roam the far reaches of the Flanaess and beyond. Several members have magical means of traveling , but others do all their traveling to and from The Obsidian Citadel via normal means. Mordenkainen Race: Human; Class: Magic-user; Level: upper 20s; Alignment: Neutral Mordenkainen appears to be a middle-aged man bedecked in simple gray robes, perhaps resembling a merchant. His face suggests age beyond his normal appearance, as if wisdom were a part of his charisma, thrusting out upon those that stand near him almost as much as do his bushy eyebrows. His hair is black and cropped, his beard black with silver streaks and well waxed. Mordenkainen maintains a latge force of mounted archers, and also has two subdued red dragons named Gorki and Porki under his control. Although Mordenkainen is the founder of the circle, it would not be correct to refer to him as the circle's leader. He is more accurately the first among equals. Bigby Race: Human; Class: Magic-user; Level: Circa 20; Alignment: Neutral Bigby was Mordenkainen’s first apprentice. He was originally encountered by Mordenkainen while adventuring. After a quick battle, Mordenkainen subdued Bigby with a Charm Person spell. Mordenkainen treated the ensnared magic-user fairly, and eventually Bigby decided to stay with Mordenkainen on his own free will as his apprentice. Bigby’s appearance is unassuming. His attire is unremarkable, when traveling he usually wears a simple dark gray robe with the hood pulled up (for Bigby is a somewhat retiring and secretive man). When this hood is thrown back, his lean but healthy features will be exposed: studious brown eyes, light brown hair, and a laugh that precedes jokes on almost a forced level. To those who do not know him well, he might be viewed as oddly nervous (or paranoid), but this is nowhere near true. The mark to which Bigby adheres is simple "Caution". When Mordenkainen is away from the Obsidian Citadel, it is Bigby who assumes the role of steward. Yrag Race: Human; Class: Fighter; Level: 19; Alignment: Neutral Yrag was the first character Gary created. He appears as a stout and hardy man, flaxen haired, and normally dressed in gray and green robes. He stands over 6' tall and is very broad-shouldered. Yrag is ever watchful of things about him, and usually prefers no new undertakings unless these are shared with those persons he knows and trusts. Riggby (the Ready) Race: Human; Class: Cleric; Level: circa 15; Alignment: Neutral Riggby is a cleric of Boccob, with a lesser devotion to Zagyg. He is normally dressed in light gray and off-white colored robes. His eyes are chestnut brown, his hair pure black, and his opinions are short and succenct-"Convert, or else!!" Felnorith Race: Human; Class: Fighter; Level: Circa 12; Alignment: Neutral Felnorith is known as the Sword Collector, and he has a large collection of magical blades. Sigby Grigbyson Race: Human; Class: Fighter; Level: 10; Alignment: Neutral (Good) Abilities: Strong suits are Dexterity and Constitution. Strength is good. Wisdom is low. Charisma is well above average. Comeliness is above average. Mordenkainen met Sigby Grigbyson in Dyvers. The former was looking for an addition to his personal entourage and was impressed with the young fighters abilities. Sigby hails from The Archbarony of Ratik. The events that led him from that distant place to the central regions of the continent are not recorded, but Sigby is known as an inveterate wanderer and it may have been simple wanderlust. Sigby honors the god Fharlanghn and like the Dweller on the Horizon, he is able to travel great distances afoot without tiring. Whether this is some blessing bestowed upon him by Fharlanghn, or if it is accomplished by some magical device in unknown. Sigby is a quite likable fellow, and with his high Charisma and Comeliness he rarely has a problem getting along. Sigby is well known for his swordplay. He wields a marvelous blade that strikes well and parries likewise. Recently, Sigby was spotted in the City of Greyhawk. It is rumored that he is planning on traveling north to the Obsidian Citadel to call upon Mordenkainen. Possibly to share information and give over some item he may be carrying with him. Ziggby Race: Mountain Dwarf; Class: Fighter; Level: Aprox. 11th; Alignment: Neutral Ziggby, more commonly known as "Zig", is the leader of Mordenkainen's 300 or so dwarven followers. These dwarves were the primary builders of the Obsidian Citadel. During his last adventure, he fought the evil dwarf Obmi and the dwarven throwing hammers were flying. Ziggby had the upper hand, but Obmi managed to escape. Vin & Vram Race: Elf; Class: Fighter/Magic-User: Level: Unknown, assumed max. +; Alignment: Neutral (Chaotic Good) Vin and Vram are twin brothers. The Obsidian Citadel The Citadel of the Eight is a massive fortress. The central structure of the complex is a great citadel and hall. Eight tower keeps arranged in an octagonal pattern surrond the central citadel. These structures are connected by curtain walls and lesser towers. This complex is surronded by an outer wall, also built in an octagonal form. Reports that the Obsidian Citadel is located somewhere in the Yatil Mountains appear to be greatly exaggerated. It may or may not be found there. The actual whereabouts of the fortress is unknown, but some believe it is in the rocky hills that are covered by the Vesve Forest...