The information below refers to the "Honoury Blader" AR favour possibly won in COR4-14 Sympathy of the Baatezu. It has come to my attention that some people have interpreted this favour to mean that the smite ability can be used with any weapon. This is incorrect. As he is the god of swords, Kelanen's followers are mandated to favour a sword in combat. The smite ability is only usable with a sword or dagger. For more information regarding acceptable weapons for followers of Kelanen refer to the Living Greyhawk Deities Document. Additionally, if a character with this favour normally uses another kind of melee weapon in preference to a sword he will be excommunicated from the sect. (In this instance the DM should score through the favour and write "excommunicated" from the Lord of Swords' sect in the play notes section of both COR4-14 Sympathy of the Baatezu and the adventure in which the excommunication took place). Creighton Broadhurst LG Core Supremo