The adventuring party starts out on Flotsam Island. Flotsam Island is a swampy and lightly tropical island about the size of Sicily with a single volcano in the center. The area is rich with rumors of a recent volcanic eruption that uncovered a wealthy gold deposit. For reasons of your own, you two have journeyed to the island to find out more about it. In the end, the rumor turned out to be just that... A minor volcanic eruption occured, but nothing fantastic was revealed. Weeks later, your thirst for adventure unquenched, you have journeyed to the southern port town of Seawell, hoping to catch a ship back to the mainland of the Hold of Sea Princes. You have not yet met eachother so how you meet will happen on your own terms. There's a local inn here known as "The Green Man Inn" as well as several shops, farms, and a small temple for the worship of Green Man, a regional deity known for farming, food, nature and enjoying alcohol. --- Deep "The lizard men have been raiding our farms lately. The city militia has been quite busy with all that nonsense. Just the other day, five guards slaughtered over a dozen lizardmen trying to steal a herd of cattle. I dunno what's got into them. They're normally pretty peaceful." radio "No ships have arrived from the direction of the reef for over two weeks now. At least ten shipments have gone missing. I wonder if something happened?" woman "The reef is near the lighthouse. It's about a three day journey if you walk. By boat, it's four days around the peninsula. The dry season is ending, but at least the rains haven't filled the swamplands yet. Alligators and snakes are everywhere during that time." noble "Excuse me, but I'm the town mayor. What brings you to this humble island? Would you be willing to help me out? I need someone to find out why there have been no ships coming in from the reef. If you can find out what it is and help solve the problem, there's a 100 Gold reward, plus you can keep anything you find along the way. -- The local temple can even give you some healing potions before you leave." DC 20 You see the top part of a lighthouse over a large sandy hill in the far distance. Most of the area has become sandy, with various footprints from both animals and people littered about. Spot 10 will reveal a lizardfolk approaching. A spear flies through the air and lands in the ground about ten feet ahead of you both. "Halt!" The voice of a female lizardfolk warrior draws your attention to her. (If listening) "What is your business here?!" Lizard: "There are about eight of them. Only four are in the camp at any one time. The captain and her second in command look very strong and never leave the campsite, while two others sort through their stolen items and bury them in the sand above tide mark. Two others are patroling the land and the last two are out on a boat making sure no one arrives by water. They have bows, too... I haven't watched them long enough to get any other information. I just know they killed the whole family living in the lighthouse." Sure enough, several pirates are working as you peek over the hill. The female pirate captain is overseeing the sorting of various treasures and a grisly looking dwarf is burying crates in the sand near a makeshift wooden tower. Dwarf: "Our fake signal is working like a charm. This is the eleventh ship we've got to run into the reef. Great loot from this one." Pirate: "Aye, the lighthouse is completely empty now. This is the last thing we could find. Good thing, too. The stench of death is making me gag in there." Lizard: "Thank you for your help. I will try and calm down the other lizardfolk tribes, but I cannot offer anything else. May the sun shine warmly upon you." When returning to the town, the mayor will reward with 100GP and give them a free trip to the mainland, where they can continue their journey. If the volcano was brought up, Mayor "If you're looking for riches, I've heard a small mining town near Hokar named Duvik's Pass. It's a silver mine, but I've heard rumor that something very bad has happened. Some say Kobold attacks, and some say disease have brough the town to ruin. Perhaps you can help them the way you've helped us." DIVERT TO DARK AND STORMY KNIGHT