Homebrew Document Creation in Word: 1. Install the fonts from the font folder, and if you want to edit images yourself append the brushes from the brushes folder. 2. Open up a Word document, put the page background image you want to use in the footer. 3. Go to Page Layout > Coloumns and select 2 coloumns. 4. For titles that are underlined, go to Home > Paragraph > Borders and select the Bottom Border option. This looks better than a simple underline. 5. Use the Player's Handbook for reference for formatting, and the "Fonts guide for PHB" image in the root folder to see what fonts in what size are used where. 6. For colors, just use dark orange or blue, easy to make it look good. The color suggested in the "Fonts guide for PHB" image is #58170d or, since Word doesn't use hex codes, RGB 88, 23, 13. Spell Cards: Install Magic Set Editor and open the template file in the folder. Install the fonts in the folder as well.